SP_Urban /Ideafixa
Animation for the #SpUrban Festival.
My collective Nóiz Anima was invited by Ideafixa to create some animations over the theme 'urban mobility' for the #SpUrban Festival.
The festival takes place on the streets of São Paulo, Brazil, where artists are invited to make Urban Art Interventions using animated projections.
We at Nóiz Anima made animations to be projected at FIESP bulding in the middle of Paulista Avenue along with the work of other cool artists.
I animated this runner.
Projection at Paulista Avenue
Over the month of November 2019, #SpUrban screened several animations at FIESP building.
One day I went there to make some video recording. Here’s how my runner looked on the big screen:
3D tests
When I finished the animation I made some 3D tests to see how it would look on the building.
It was really fun to do it! :)
Thanks Ideafixa and SP_Urban for the invitation.
It was really amazing to see our animation on such a screen size!